Friday, March 19, 2010

Burp Cloth/Baby Sock Cupcake


Cupcakes made out of burp cloths and baby socks.

What you need:

1. Burp Cloth - I made a fringed burp cloth and mine was about 17" x 9". Random size huh? I used the tutorial at Home Sweet Home

2. 2 pairs of 0-6 month size socks. If you found some triple roll, you might only need 1 pair.

3. 4 cup size coffee filters

4. A Rubber band - not pictured

5. Ribbon (to cover the rubber band)

6. Scotch Tape

What you do:

Step 1: Fold the burp cloth into fourths and set aside. I wanted the fringe to be prominant, so mine isn't exactly in fourths. You can see what I mean in the picture.

Step 2: Start rolling your socks at the top. You want there to be a slight cone shape, so as you roll, go at a slight angle. You probably want slightly less of a cone shape, so maybe not so dramatic on the angle of the rolling.

Note: Have the toe of the sock pointing down on all of the socks.

Step 3: Add your second start at the end of the ribbing of the first sock. Continue rolling along, until all your socks are rolled up.

Tip: When I added sock #4, I just made sure to add it opposite of where I started sock three. In the picture you can see the ends of the two purple socks are opposite each other.

Step 4: When you are all finished rolling your socks, fold the ends of the socks up as neatly as possible. If you would like to, you can tape the socks off. I didn't have need to.

Step 5: Take the burp cloth you set aside and put your socks on one end. One guess what you do next. Yep, that's it! You roll it up!

Step 6: Secure your cupcake with a piece of scotch tape.

Step 7: Take about 10 or so coffee filters and put your cupcake inside. Multiple coffee filters help the filters keep their shape and look more like a cupcake wrapper.

Put a rubber band around the roll to keep the coffee filters in place. You can even out the ridges in the coffee filter by pulling and pinching.

Step 8: Cover the rubber band with ribbon. I had redone the cupcake about 3 times and taken 150 pictures by this point, but apparently I forgot a picture of this step. I just heat sealed both ends of ribbon and taped it at the back with a piece of scotch tape. I would also consider hot gluing the ribbon on too.

One last note: After I got finished with all of the cupcakes I decided the socks were sticking up too much to my liking. So, I just took my thumb and smooshed them down a bit.

These would look adorable in a cake box or some sort of pastry box.

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